JSF Talk in the Twin Cities
Adam Winer and I will be presenting on June 21st at OTUG's monthly meeting.
I've been writing up the slides, but the title will be "JavaServer Faces, The Web Tier Alignment & J2EE 5". I want to emphasize interoptability and move away from the common impression that JSF is here to replace everything that was done before. You can take just about any MVC/View technology out there and leverage it within JSF's framework. That's *one* of the points that I'm hoping to discuss with attendees.
Here's the link.
I've been writing up the slides, but the title will be "JavaServer Faces, The Web Tier Alignment & J2EE 5". I want to emphasize interoptability and move away from the common impression that JSF is here to replace everything that was done before. You can take just about any MVC/View technology out there and leverage it within JSF's framework. That's *one* of the points that I'm hoping to discuss with attendees.
Here's the link.